There is a lot of stuff in this book, including, literally, a poem about having lots of stuff. Also, sneaky ducks. Retiring sorcerers. Infinite circus performers on birdback. Jacks of all trades and jackasses. Little, homicidal men in bowler hats. Weird alternate realities that somehow make more sense than our own. Peanut butter! Literal fire sales. Vengeful mermaids. Someone needs to hose down Vegas. Hide and seek with the moon. Jacob’s OTHER ladder. In the future, no one poops. Space stuff. Yeah, the pandemic too, but just a little bit. Here, there be pirates and they’re kind of dumb. Sassy donuts and other Hell-foods. Podcaster fall-outs. Supervillain angst. The grave in gravity. Hoagie history. The horse behind the knight behind the round table. And so. Much. Bad. Poetry. Please make sure to leave a review wherever you buy it. Also Goodreads. Thanks!
PRINT: Amazon, B&N, BAM, Indiebound