A podcast featuring a different Atari game each week. We talk about the games - how to play, what we like, what we don’t - and discuss pop culture, back then and today. THEN we hear an original short story (by me) inspired (sometimes loosely) by tha…

A podcast featuring a different Atari game each week. We talk about the games - how to play, what we like, what we don’t - and discuss pop culture, back then and today. THEN we hear an original short story (by me) inspired (sometimes loosely) by that week’s game. The stories tackle a range of themes - family, work, war, spy thriller, bad poetry. Genres range from modern fiction, to historical to sci-fi, fantasy, spy thriller. We even once did a story in the style of 19th century Victorian era erotic poetry.The stories are usually funny, but occasionally we get all serious. Even if your memory of Atari games is fuzzy or nonexistent, there is something in this show for you.


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